I got to help the YMCA with a special dance. Wool E. Bull was up there. All the kids were trying to catch his tail. It was funny. A little girl caught it and then she pulled Wool E. Bull almost off the stage. He snorted at her. It was silly. I flipped my new hat up in the air. I almost fell off the stage, but I got it.
We saw Patrick up on the big screen with his big belly too. He had big, big, big starfish pants.
We saw the Chick-fil-A cow. We saw Mrs. Cow and Baker Cow and Red Cow and the normal Chick-fil-A cow.
We saw Wool E. Bull on his gocart. Wool E. almost fell out of the cart but good thing there was a landing pad for him. He scraped off into the garage from his gocart. He thew balls at us, but I didn't catch one, though.
We won the whole entire game. It was 5-1 at the end. The Bulls got 5. They won. And, every time they said "Let's Go Bulls!" it was really fun. The Bulls kept on hitting the ball whenever we cheered.
I want to go again soon!
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